Tool Sale & Swap October 2018

At our usual Saturday workshop session on Saturday 27th of October, Arthur and John are managing a Tool Sale & Swap. So bring along any tools you don't use, and you may find some that you need.
Saturday Workshop Session time is 10:00am - 3:00pm, however the sale will run from 10:00am until sales wind down - so come early and buy, sell or swap your jewellery tools and related items.
Suggestions for things to bring include tools, stones, paua shell, and any other bits and pieces of equipment or supplies that you don’t use and want to sell or swap.
Usual cost to use the studio will apply, but no cost to join in the Tool Sale & Swap.
You will need to bring some cash/change - as payments will be direct from member to member and not through the Studio. You can make arrangements between yourselves for other payment methods.
See photos below for a sample selection of items that will be for sale on the day!
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