
Annual SSG Exhibition 2018

Annual SSG Exhibition 2018

Annual Exhibition Information and Dates for 2018

EXHIBITION 26th November - 9th December 2018.

This is the annual opportunity for members to display their work for sale, and for the Guild to promote their classes and showcase recent students' work. Normal hours of opening 10am to 5pm. Eftpos will be available for sales.
Location as per last year: Pūmanawa community exhibition space, upstairs at the Arts Centre, 2 Worcester Boulevard.

We are currently planning this year's Silversmiths' Guild Annual Exhibition. The initial details, as noted in this blog, will be confirmed at a later date. In the coming days we will be sending out forms to offer all paid members the opportunity to be involved.

Guild Members - get inspired and start creating! We are planting the seed for you to start planning and making pieces that you would like to be included in this year's Exhibition. This is an amazing opportunity to share and present your own unique silversmith style and quality workmanship, and offer pieces for sale. This event runs for two weeks and has always had excellent attendance from the public. From now (posted 12th June), you have about 20 weeks until the deadline to submit a list of your pieces.

2018 Students - your work is welcome! We would love to feature a small selection of our students work, displaying your wide range of styles and abilities. If you have a piece or pieces you are particularly proud of, please contact your tutor or email us here to let us know you would like to be included for display or sale. Please provide your email address so we can send you a form.

The Exhibition is - a great opportunity for members and students to bring along their friends and family and showcase their own hard work. For the Guild it is a wonderful chance for us to welcome new students and encourage past students to become members and join in future Exhibitions. It's also a chance for us to show our fellow Cantabrians and visitors from outer areas, what we bring to the community, as well as showing what we, as individuals, can do.

Information So Far...

  • Exhibition Dates: 26th November - 9th December.
  • Location: Pūmanawa community exhibition space, upstairs at the Arts Centre.
  • Opening Hours: Normal hours of opening 10am to 5pm.
    Monday's opening time will have to be a bit flexible. Probably after 2pm.
  • Closing Day: Closing time on the final Sunday is 5pm.
  • No Entry Cost: There is no cost for current Guild Members to enter work in the Exhibition.
  • Pieces Form: We will be emailing each member a form for you to list your Exhibition pieces.
  • Pieces Required: Traditionally, members have submitted up to x10 jewellery pieces for display.
  • Extra Pieces: You can submit extra pieces which will be at the Committee's discretion to display.
    Note: list your pieces in order of preference as only your first x10 will be guaranteed to be included.
  • Business Cards: If you have cards, drop them in with your pieces on or before 10th of November.

  • Commission Rate: Commission is 20%, so members you will need to price your pieces to include this 20% (i.e. if you want to achieve $100.00 in the hand, your item would need to be priced at $120.00). This commission is paid to the Guild. The money accrued will pay for the hire of the Pumanawa space, plus associated costs. Anything over is a bonus! Pumanawa do not charge us a commission, just for the hire of the space.
  • Items For Sale: Items on display do not have to be for sale.
  • Items Held or Reserved: Items cannot be held or reserved, but this may be open to discussion within the committee.
  • Items Sold: Goods can be taken immediately on payment.
  • Pricing: You will need to price your own work.
    Note: Gallery Commission % is yet to be advised and will need to be included in your prices.
  • Sales: If your jewellery is sold, customers may take the item away immediately after payment.
  • Payment by Eftpos: Eftpos will be available at the Exhibition. No credit card transactions.
  • Payment by Cash: Cash is accepted at the Exhibition and we will keep a cash float.
  • Payment by Cheque: Cheques will be accepted with accompanying bank card to verify signature.
  • Roster Form: We will be emailing out a form to gauge members availability for the Exhibition roster.
  • Advertising: If you have finished pieces that could be included in the advertising, please contact us.

Important Dates...

  • Sunday 4th of November - end of day.
    This is the date and time by which your forms MUST be received by the Guild.
    The first form includes a list of the pieces you wish to be included in the exhibition, and a second form on which you will indicate your availability for the roster, to help out at the Exhibition where possible. Roster responsibilities will include handling sales, chatting with visitors and overseeing the displays.

  • Saturday 10th of November - 3:00pm.
    This is the date and time by which all of your pieces for display MUST be received by the Guild.
    By 3pm today your jewellery creations, accompanied by a list of these pieces, prices and their descriptions, must be dropped in to our Studio at The Tannery. Your accompanying list should include a brief description (note all metals used and any stones included), and your prices should include the Gallery % commission - which will be advised. You can also include any business cards you have, which will be at the Committee's discretion to place near your displayed work.

  • Sunday 11th of November
    Exhibition Committee display mock-up day.
    Select members of the Exhibition Committee will be meeting at our Studio at The Tannery to do a mock-up of all jewellery displays and layout, and additional Exhibition display planning. All pieces must have been received the previous day, or they will not be included in the Exhibition.

  • Monday 26th November
    Opening Day of the Silversmiths' Guild Annual Exhibition for 2018.
    Traditionally we have only been allowed access to the Gallery on this first day, which may change this year. At this stage the plan is as per last year, that the Exhibition Committee will be setting up during this first day. Last year the Exhibition opened at 2pm, this year the setup day and Exhibition opening time is still to be confirmed. The Exhibition will be open for two weeks.

  • Sunday 9th November
    Final Day of the Silversmiths' Guild Annual Exhibition for 2018.

Please Be Organised And On Time - So You Can Be Included...

We are providing this information months in advance, to ensure you return forms and submit your pieces on time. Last year submissions were still coming in after the due date, even on the day of opening. As you can understand this caused the Exhibition team a great deal of difficulty and negated careful planning.

We tell you with kindness, and at least 20 weeks warning - late submissions will NOT be accepted this year. If you are unable to submit your list of pieces by Sunday 4/11 and drop your pieces into the Tannery by Saturday 10/11, you will not be able to participate in the Exhibition.

So please - we would love all willing members to be included so let's be ready early this year!!


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